My life, in a nut shell

I started this blog to do product reviews. However, life decided to throw me a curve ball shortly after I started blogging. I got sicker than I normally do when the kids are in school. I actually got the flu, which doesn’t usually happen with me.  It was a signal that something was up. I had already been dealing with issues that I thought might had been Lupus, but the doctor ruled that out just 8 months prior to me getting the flu.

Fast forward a month or so and I found a doctor that would actually listen to me. He diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia. It was nice to know I wasn’t crazy. (Well crazier than normal) It felt good to finally figure out what was going on with my body, and why I was constantly run down. I had blood work done at that time to check a few other things. I went a few months later and the doctor told me that my white cell count had been high and wanted to see if it was a fluke or if it was still high. Well the new test showed it was still high, so off to a specialist I go.

In the month leading up to seeing the hematologist, I of course did the one thing no one should do when they aren’t sure what is going on with their body, I turned to Dr. Google. Looking at most of my symptoms and how I felt I was sure it was leukemia, just my white cell count wasn’t really in range with cancer. I did get the good news when I went to the hematologist that it wasn’t cancer, but they had no clue what was going on. I was back to square one it felt like. I now have to wait until January, 2016 to see a rheumatologist. I am not going on Dr. Google though.

At the end of August, I still wasn’t feeling myself and knew something still wasn’t right (besides the screwed up white cell count) and my family doctor referred me to an OB/GYN. I have to say that the PA I seen there has been a God send. She has figured out more of what is going on with my body than all the other doctors combined. I still have a lot of things that are unknown, but to know that I am on the path to figure it out is a blessing.

Now I’m sure you are wondering how this post fits into my blog as it has been….Well like I said in the post before this one, I am totally revamping my blog. I am going to still do product reviews, but I am going to be picky about what I do. I want products that are going to help me live a healthier lifestyle, or that I feel are a good fit for what I want this blog to turn into. I hope to continue to grow my readers, share my health struggles, and maybe even make a few new friends. Please feel free to comment, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Something a little different

Every November most people partake in the daily post about what they are thankful for. To me I am thankful for so much every single day of the year that I don’t see why doing it in November is worth it. I decided this Holiday Season I am going to do something a little different. I am going to do a daily post about a memory from my childhood or a holiday tradition that I enjoy. I want this blog to be a variety of life and reviews but I always want it to be 100% helpful! Now on to today’s actual post.

Since it has been 5 months to the day since I lost one of the most important men in my life, my dad, I will start this with a memory of him. A lot of my memories will include something with my dad because I was a big daddy’s girl growing up.

When I was little (like toddler age) my dad was a stay-at-home dad. Every week day we would go to a local convenience store and he would get me a Hershey bar and a Hi-C and then we would go visit his brother, my uncle. While we were there we would watch The Price is Right. Still to this day it is one of my favorite memories and I still love my Hershey bars. Also while we were visiting my uncle, on the days the trash ran, my dad and uncle would convince me that their other brother was the garbage truck driver. I believed them for years. It is even something I started with my kids. Not sure if the ever believed me or not, but it was a nice little tradition to carry on. I sure do miss my dad and I hope that when my kids are grown they have a memory like this about either myself or their dad. To me that is what makes life worth living. Family is everything, and without them I would be lost.